Monday, September 21, 2009

Maybe it's been there all along....

I heard a snippet of something a few days ago that made me think for a moment about the way we perceive things. "The deer could be standing right there in front of you and you wouldn't notice it".

The Ticking Mind started ticking again and I really thought about it. Absolutely right. Same goes with a squirrel that pauses like a statue, not even flinching one bit. and possible many other animals. They just blend right in. And by all means, deer can get to be pretty large creatures, yet I can guarantee that we walk by them every day without noticing them. Chances are, and I believe I am quite sure about this, that then have noticed us long before we even are within a visual range.

Squatchers (Tim Ervick) pointed out something on the last episode of Simply Sasquatch that kinda made sense with regards to finding things. You don't have to go right back to the exact spot where someone heard something or saw something. Especially when it was many months or years ago. Being in the general area is more than likely adequate but the real science might simply be in observation. Parking yourself in a opportunistic spot (well, doing your best to get a great view of everything around you) and just waiting - observing everything. Maybe have a couple recorders going, camera and video on a tripod. Mic's in the surrounding trees. Whatever you feel works for you, but really, try to "observe"

Legend of Boggy Creek brought forth the discovery that that dogs did not want to track whatever it was in there. I am not sure how much to read into the movie, after all, they say it was based on true events yet they call it "The legend". Nonetheless, these folks went out in "packs". Why would a squatch sit around with these people and dogs hot on the trail? Maybe it's because they know they won't be noticed, I mean, the dogs were spooked and wouldn't track. How does it have that much control and power over hounds that were essentially "born" to follow their noses?

Then you have those theories that go way off on a tangent saying that they might be in another dimension, that's why we cannot see or detect them. If that is the case, then why am I even here talking about this. I mean, are vocalizations left out of this theory that they are on another plane that we cannot and do not interact with?

1 comment:

  1. Well said Jason. Your points hit home.The trans demensional theory is hard to put any weight into it. I believe the theory is based on not having any luck in the evidence department. So these groups need an excuse. Tracks,sightings,
    and vocalizations well back into our history tells me this is a flesh and blood creature. Just damn hard to find. No need for excuses.
