Friday, November 12, 2010


A chain of events took place yesterday, of all days, Remembrance day. And it is no indication of what has yet to come but disturbing non the less that the reminders are inherently built into the name of the day.

It’s a tough time of year, moving at the speed of life, sometimes things just creep up on you and yet sometimes your mind just wanders, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

Christmas is coming soon and its a time to reflect on past life experiences. Friends, family, joy & sorrow.  A good friend lost his mother earlier in the year and it was a trying time for him to come to grasp the situation and work through it. He did it, but I’m still sure he feels pain, as anyone should.

And so we look upon our past experiences. Our friends. Our families. We are all moving at the speed of life and as we move on, that speed limit is being increased……day after day……Sometimes it’s refreshing to just put on the brakes for as long as you can and absorb and enjoy what is around you.