Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wise to operate in Stealth Mode?

This seems to be a topic of some debate when conducting field research. Just how far do you go to conceal your activities and your presence? It would seem that most sasquatch encounters happen to those who were not looking for it, they were just minding their own business going about their routine when the sighting occured. 

The merit in these types of sightings lies in the consistency of the report and the typical granularity that comes along with it.

As an example, there is a video that has recently surfaced, referred to as "The Monster of Gum Creek". There is absolutely nothing conclusive about this video. Nothing. You can look at it hundreds of times and you cannot tell if the "thing"that is walking in the far background is a human or a sasquatch. Skeptics would leave it at that, and I am a healthy skeptic - but if something were made more compelling in this video, perhaps a clearer face shot - you might have my interest.

The point is, these people were out using an ATV, certainly not being "stealth".  As the fellow worked his way upstream the sighting occured. Sightings always seem to happen like this, and it is for this reason that I take no special steps to cover my tracks when I am doing field research. Just being yourself and acting in your usual manner will bring no sense of harm or fear to those who observe you - and don't think your not being watched.....many of us do not realize the amount of life that is peering upon us without our knowledge. Forest creatures have this down to a fine art. We do not. 

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