Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The cost of connecting.

Just took a peek at the VISA bill and saw the Rogers internet charge. Interesting. It's more than last month. Perhaps they jumped on that fair access policy and are dinging me for those few additional megabytes that I might have downloaded which would of course put me over the allocated cap and make more income for the conglomerate.

"Bundle and Save!!"

What a bunch of bullshit directed to people who will buy the idea and subscribe to the services. Hook, line and sinker.

How about doing your homework and building a platform that works with your lifestyle. Trust me, if you do the research, you can save a good chunk of $$$ without sacrificing much, if anything. If you say you don't have time to do so, then most likely you have the finances to take it up the rump and pay whatever is owed to connect and communicate with the those outside of your home. And when you do give a &$#% about your recent internet, phone or cable bill and call for clarification.....more than likely that phone call is going to take an amount of time that will further increase you irritation.

It's ok Jason, calm down. Ok, Fine, I vented.....but I am still ticked with these companies making excuses for the poor customer service, performance and prices.

Internet - Rogers Portable Internet. Basic. $27.99
Phone - Primus Talkbroadband  Unlimited $25.95 /mth plus $5.00 for an additional number
Cable - Cogeco basic (Classic) cable $27.99 

What am I at here? Basic math, come on brain work.........
Ok say $87 bucks for your home entertainment and connectivity. Dear god, internet is a necessity now? Yup, appears to be. Holy Smokes, remember when Bell charged for RENTING home phones? Yes, renting!!! It was almost $5 a month for a piece of crap touch tone phone that did not even have the call display that we are all accustomed to now and we wont pick up that call if it someone we dont know or says PRIVATE CALLER. How disciminate we have become. Is this because we are permitted to be more selective about the type of calls we get? It just makes for new methods to be developed to get us to answer that call and the only reason why is because of that "all-mighty" dollar. "If I could just wiz through these 500 cold call numbers in my database im sure one of them will buy the Willi Wonder 6000 Vacuum Cleaner with free delivery." Think again you mindless rubberhead. The more connected we get, the more selective we get. The more privacy we yearn. The harder your job becomes. The more crap you throw at us, well, it's gonna come right back at you at slighter faster speed, maybe just enough to make you go "Huh? Wow, I gotta do something about this".

$87 bucks a month to watch 30 minutes of TV a day, have a home phone that might be used 5 times a month and internet which is used to bitch about my internet costs. I just chuckled about that one. Neat. Now what I am describing may be to some referred to as a  "LITE" version. How about all of you who subscribe to "Digital TV", maybe you also have that sports package, and for a "few dollars more" (more BS) get that internet package from the same provider, there is another $~45-50 bucks a month. Oh, by the way, you can also get phone service....great! Now we are past $100 a month. For what? Consolodation? Is that the reason you did it? You are paying the extra $$$ because it's all with the same company? 

I ask and offer you this. Don't burn yourself. Go shopping. Make these larger companies realize that they are dealing with an educated individual. Do your homework. With the money you save, well, congrats!!! You not only saved but you sent a message to the industry. 
Shop around. Give the little guys a chance. They are offering wonderful deals to gain leadership and many of the deals are too good to pass up. I know - I have learned and now I am wise - at least until tomorrow when another vendor throws out an offer  "too good to be passed up". I'm going to look at that with an amount of skepticism that would make all but the most "Herb Tarlec" type of sales rep cringe and all for good reason.

Until my next late night rant......If I wasted the 7 minutes of your time reading this, sorry, no refunds. Use as directed. :)


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