Thursday, July 7, 2011

Absorbing change....

Talk about circumstances, I have found myself in a position that really lets me see things in a different way. Actually - that should be plural. Yes, different WAYS. I've been on both ends of a situation or conversation and I can see how things, in most cases, end up turning out before it actually comes to fruition.

As a perfect example, do I heed my own warnings or wisdom? I like to think that I do but here I find myself trudging out into the bush looking for answers about things I think you might already know about. Even though I have committed myself to promoting safety in the field - curiosity, ambition and desire always wins us over. It is the reflection and review of past experiences that opens our eyes to some of the things that we have (or will) go through which consistently drives us to our goals.

Now something has changed and I know it is for the better. I'm perhaps a little bit wiser, more responsible, more committed to self preservation and most of all, more committed to longevity in things that I believe in and hold dear to me.  "Off the cuff" seems to work for many and might do so for some time. Structured, methodical approaches to things also work, usually for the better - and this is what I have learned. If you take the time to think stuff out, it might make things much more clear. If not, move towards your thoughts, goals and ambitions at a slower pace so that you can begin to absorb and appreciate the outcome.

I havent blogged as often as I promised I would and now I realize one of the reasons why - my life and the way I live it is very important to not only myself but to the others around and with me. Blogging doesn's take too much time but it does if you really have to think about what you want to say without just putting a couple sentences out there about last week's news. Nope. That's not me. I want this to be fresh, genuine, straight from the heart and it will be just that. It's a Tickingmind of ideas, thoughts and opportunities.

To my followers, friends & acquaintances, I thank you for your patience and your patronage. My forthcoming blogs are hopefully going to be well received and I trust that growth is inevitable, not only in spirit but in knowledge and wisdom - the three cornerstones of a truly sociable and open environment.

Good night folks, will be posting again soon.

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